Бритни Спирс интервью
Бритни говорит, что ей нарвится быть в Париже, давать там концерты, говорит о том, что она очень любит этот город. Кроме того, она говорит, что вскоре приедет с концертами в Северную Америку в поддержку своего тура, в котором она и ее команда кое-что изменили. Они безусловно должны понравиться зрителям. В ролике помощники Бритни рассказывают о ее гардеробе, а также представлен небольшой отрывок с репетиции номера "Mannequin".
Hi! Welcome to Paris and I can't wait to bring my show back to the States!
The tour is going really well so far, I'm having a lot of fun!I'm very excited to be in Paris. It's one of the most beautiful places I've been to so far,so it's very cool!
I take care of Britney's wardrobe, for her and the concerts. Not many people could see this, but this is her backstage wardrobe and her rack and her closet!
Here is her "Ringo"jacket. She starts the show in this, reveals a corset and bra segment top and her high boots. There are also two of us who change her. Someone takes care of the top, and someone takes care of the bottom. One works the way down, one works the way up!
She makes about 6 changes and we also do jacket changes, so we don't count those,cause they're not full changes. A lot of the dancers also help with the jackets, cause they do it on stage. She doesn't leave the stage that much.
This would be Bolliwood. It is very elaborate: lots of chains, lots of things for her hands to get stuck through, while you're trying to put it on. And also the bottom has many different holes, that we get socket, but we have to get her foot through this and then also body through that at the same time, and put a shoe on.
Prevent... So you actually would inspect every costume every day, even if you notice there are no rips, no tears, no seams comming apart, you pull on everything. So every day I pull on this, make sure nothing is comming apart, make sure there is no holes anywhere, and I'll do that to every costume to prevent something happening. Pull on snaps, pull on...you know...
I think that she likes to put her own input in some. And we did a lot of changes, so just a little example, this costume...I know it's hard to tell, but it used to have a purple bow and then over sudden she decided "well, we should do a pink bow-tie instead of a big tie that goes down the front." So we changed it up and I like that she likes to be creative, so we defenetly merge in that.
We've broaden the grab bag situation, so, if Britney decides, that she doesn't really want to wear exactly what she is supposed to wear, she will grab the sunglasses or a different glove, a necklace, a bracelet, even a mask, a whistle, just little things that change up every single concert.
"We have a song called 'Mannequin' that we're adding to the show, which I'm really, really excited about, and so it should be interesting. We've changed up a couple of numbers in the show, so that's going to make it a lot more fun for me and the dancers and stuff. It'll be cool. We have to update or it gets really boring."
We're introducing a new number tonight 'Mannequin'. Britney has designed all of the clothes and it's very particular in doing a long teen top with B on the front with stones and more casual look. Chasey's gonna tell you a little bit more about male dancers and Tiana's gonna tell you about female dancers and how Britney has designed male looks as well.
- For the guys we just gonna go kinda simple. WE gonna wear white, white pure like this and wear some jaens, keep it simple. The number's I think mostly about for the girls, the women, so pretty simple for the guys.
- It's gonna be simple for the girls as well. Although we gonna add a black lace just see, you know, have a little touch of women. In a jeans it'll be fine and relaxed and the really cool part about it is that Britney choreographed it. She worked with Chase on it, it's cool that it's her creation and its founded you and for her Tee-jazz it's really like be in the show and on top of like new ideas. I think it makes her really special.
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